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                                                                                    THE CRUSADES

    The Crusades was Holy Wars between Muslims and Christians.  There was three Crusades.  The Christians started the Holy Wars to take Jerusalem.  On 1095 Pope Urban the ll told all Christians that if they fight to take Jerusalem they will all go to heaven.  A lot of people went, such as kids, merchants, peasants, etc.  They trained very hard.  On 1099 the Christians went to Jerusalem and the Holy Land  (Jerusalem)  surrenders to the Christians.  Jerusalem was covered in blood and dead bodies all over.  Christians got benefits from the Holy Land such as silk, new foods, etc. As the Muslims banded together they were more stronger.  1146-1148 Muslims toke over Damascus from Christians and that was the end of the second crusade.  On 1189-1192 Muslims tried to take back the Holy Land.  the Christians and Muslims fought then King Richard the Lion heart and Salah- Al-Din stop fighting.  They had peace for that crusade because the Christians knew they were going to lose.  During that time Richard the Lion Heart had a disease and Salah-Al-Din send some medics to him to help him.  Salah-Al-Din was very merciful to the Christians because he let them survive when they were innocent or harmless.  1212 The March Of "Children Crusades."  Only children fought against Muslims and they lost.  The Christians lost and the kids became prisoners and slaves.  Meanwhile Muslim  took back some land they lost, but not the Holy Land.  In the 1200 the Muslims took back Jerusalem and the Muslims drove out the Christians.  The Muslims didn't want fight, but they only wanted to take back the Holy Land.  In the mid 1200 the Muslim had a grater threat that was the Mongols.  the Crusaders (Christians)  and the Muslims admired each other because they both believed in one god.