Muhammad is a very important person because he was monotheism (believe in one god) and he spread out Islam. Muhammad was born in Mekkah and he was an orphan. His father was already dead when he was very young. His family was in a clan called Hashim. His mom sent him to a nomad in the desert. Muhammad learned a lot of things from the nomads such as the Arabs tradition, being kind to strangers, helping out orphans, etc. He returned to his home town with his mom. Soon after that the mom died and his grandfather, Abd Al-Muttalib took care of him. Abd Al-Muttalib was the leader of the Hashim clan and soon after that, the grandfather died. Muhammad uncle, Abu Talib took over Muhammad and Abu Talib was a merchant. Abu Talib became the leader of the Hashim clan. Muhammad went on many journeys with his uncle. During those journeys he had a great reputation of honesty and people called him Al Amin, which means "the Trustworthy." When Muhammad was 25 he married Khadijah. Khadijah and Muhammad had kids. For the next 15 years, Muhammad was living as a merchant and he loved the job. Muhammad also cared for spiritual matters and he prayed in a cave in the mountains. Muhammad received a visit from this angel called Gabriel. Muhammad told people about what he heard and people became his followers. His followers helped him build the Qur'an and the Qur'an was the third bible. Around 613 C.E. Muhammad taught other Makkans to believe in one God. Some followers from Muhammad clan became Muslims some other people became followers of Muhammad. Some rejected Muhammad teachings because they were scared that Muhammad would get stronger and change political power. People of Makkkah tortured some of his followers and then a boycott had begun. In 1619 some of Muhammad family died. Then a miraculous event happened that a flying horse took Muhammad to Jerusalem and now Jerusalem is a Holy City to Muslims. Muhammad told his followers to leave the Jews and Christians alone because they were the "People Of The Book" and believed in in one god. Muslims and Makkans fought since they had no more protection from his uncle. Muhammad traveled to tell more people about monotheism and Islam. The war ended between Muslims and the Makkans since they forgave each other. Muhammad Last Sermon was going back to his home town to tell them to treat each other well and to be faithful. When he returned to Madinah Muhammad died. Then there was four caliphs that inherited Muhammad and the Qur'an power and help keep everything the same. Still to this day Islam is the second largest religion and Muhammad is also a very important person to.