THE CITY OF BAGHDAD Abbasid was one of the most glorify Muslim city, later Caliph al-Mansur move his capital and his pick was Baghdad. Over 100,000 people, such as architects, craftsmen and workers worked to build the new capital and it took them 4 years to build it. Residences, shops and markets grew up outside the wall that surrounded the inner city and within the wall right at the center stood the caliph's palace and the grand mosque.
THE MOSQUES The mosque comes with a minaret (tower). The mosque has many designs and architecture.
The Arabic language helps them advance learning. It the main language of scholarship and science in Muslim lands. The House of Wisdom was founded by Caliph al-Ma'mum in 830. Scholars from near and far came there to research and to translate books or texts places like China, Persia, Greece and India. Some of the studies were on philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle.
ZOOLOGY Zoology is the study of animals. Zoology is like being a veterinary.
ASTRONOMY Astronomy is the study of space, stars, moon, sun, etc. That's why Muslims have a symbol of a crest moon and a star.
IRRIGATION AND UNDERGROUND WELLS Irrigation and underground wells is a system that provides water to houses, mills, and fields. The Muslims also use the water wheels to bring water up from canals and reservoirs.
Geography and Navigation is very important and useful because you can tell where you are and way you are pointing. To Muslims people use this so they know what way they are facing when they pray to Makkah. Sailors use it too to tell where they are at and pinpoint their location.
Mathematics is still used to day and Arabic numerals too. Muslims created a lot of mathematics such as algebra, equations, etc. Mathematics were helpful for a lot of things like banking, cashiers, etc.
Medicine is the most important thing that Muslims made because it can save and help peoples lives. Pharmacists ( a person who prepares the medication) make a lot of medicine because so it can help people. Medicine is used for a lot of things like treating someone, surgery, clean wounds etc.
Book making and literature is also used to day for language arts and we learn from literature. Literature is used for a lot of things like poems, essays, narratives, etc. Bookmaking became a business to some Muslims. these things are very important and useful.
GEOMETRIC AND FLORAL DESIGN geometric and floral designs are just art, but beautiful patterns etc. Geometric and floral design is used for a lot of things like the mosques, glassware, plates, candlesticks, etc.
CALLIGRAPHY Calligraphy is just art that is handwritten. Calligraphy was in the Qur'an. Calligraphy is still in other stuff like poems,poetry, tiles, swords, etc.
TEXTILES Textiles are good for trading goods and good for clothing. Textiles would be woolen and designed on the clothing. It would be beautiful and used for other goods too.
MUSIC IN MUSLIM SPAIN Music in Muslim Spain is nice music where there is several centers of it. There would be schools fr music. There would be conservatory (an advanced school of music) or there would just be a music school.
POLO Polo is a very fun and entertaining game. Kings and Queens used to watch it . The game was just use malllets and hit the ball in the goal when you are on a horse. Polo was a quick and popular game.
CHESS Chess was a game of mind and brains. Anybody could play in the tournaments and when. Chess is like you have your own army and try to defeat the king. And you win.